WATCH: Trump's Granddaughter Sings in Chinese for Xi Jinping

By Bridget O'Donnell, November 9, 2017

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Yesterday, US President Donald Trump and his wife, First Lady Melania Trump, were treated to a tour around the Forbidden City as part of their three-day Beijing visit.

Just before the tour, the Trumps and Xis enjoyed an afternoon tea double date, during which The Donald used a tablet computer to show off video clips of his granddaughter Arabella singing songs and reciting poems in Mandarin.

Trump and Xi afternoon tea

Xi said her Chinese deserved an "A+".

Watch the video below (VPN off):

Earlier this year, another video showing the young daughter of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner reciting poems in Chinese went viral.

She joins Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and pro-wrestler John Cena in the growing list of famous Americans signing up for Chinese lessons.

Click here to see more coverage of Trump's visit to Beijing.

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