Chengdu F&B Venues Add 'Tariffs' for American Customers

By Jonty Dixon, April 18, 2018

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With trade tensions between China and the United States heating up in recent weeks, it seems as though some local businesses have started taking the fight into their own hands.

Shortly after both countries began slapping tariffs on each other's goods, a few F&B establishments in Sichuan responded by announcing extra 25-30 percent service charges for American customers, Chengdu-Expat reports.

According to a sign that was eventually removed, Chengdu bar Mr. Beer claimed to introduce a new policy that would require all American patrons to be charged an additional 30 percent.

Chengdu Restaurants Place 'Tariffs' on American Customers

Translation of the sign:

“As a result of the rising cost of the trade war in the United States, the store will levy a 30 percent charge on American citizens.”

However, the owner of Mr. Beer later told Chengdu-Expat that the stunt was just a joke intended as a dig at the current issue, and that no such policy was actually in place. The sign has since been been taken down.

On the other hand, pizza parlor New Brandi in the neighboring city of Nanchong told Chengdu-Expat that they were very serious about their 25 percent service charge for US diners. And their message to anyone who's not happy with that policy: take it up with the American embassy.

Chengdu Restaurants Place 'Tariffs' on American Customers

They also made clear their intention to keep the policy, though they told Chengdu-Expat they have yet to receive complaints. 

As of writing time, extra sides of salt at New Brandi remain free of charge.

[Photos via Chengdu-Expat]

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