
Last Updated: 17/08/2023 | Posted by: SophieSteiner
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120-1-1, Bldg 3, Lane 200, Taikang Lu (Gate 1 Tianzifang), by Jianguo Lu
188 1017 1238
Tue-Sun 5.30pm-11pm

Alors Description

Alors is a modern Chinese wine bistro that opened in early summer in Tianzifang, just down Gate 1. Backed by wine expert Franklin Chiang (Next Bottle), chef Bingjia and designer Ting Ting, the trio all previously studied in France, and have built a connection between French and Chinese cuisines, wine and culture, right here in Shanghai.

The wine program is 100% French, with 70% natural wines and 30% conventional wines, plus no shortage of champagne, of course. 

And the name? It comes from the commonly used filler word "alors..." that is used by many a French person without realizing, meaning "so, then, well." A word that is so simple, yet embodies an integral part of the French language – the same ethos the team aims to capture in their venue. 

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