The city's original comedy promoters are bringing in a loaded triple bill of Paul Zenon, Andrew Stanley and Damian Clark. An Australian native, Clark is now a rising force in the UK comedy scene who routinely sells out his Edinburgh Fringe shows.
Congratulations on coming to China. Will this be your first time here?
I've only been to Hong Kong before and LOVED it. Amazed at the size of the dock yards and it's great how you can check your bags into the train station 24 hours after you're due to fly out, and your bags will be waiting for you the next day at the airport! Every city should do that. Although I ate chicken feet and didn't like it.
How would you describe your comedy style?
I don't really know. But others have called it "the Energizer Bunny on Red Bull."
Who were some of your early influences and did you have a eureka moment in terms of developing your own style?
The Muppet Show and Looney Tunes. Early Tex Avery cartoons have impeccable comic timing. If it wasn't for those shows I'd probably have a proper job.
You're from Australia but make your base in the UK. Why did you decide to make the switch?
I started stand up in Perth, West Australia in 1996. I moved to Ireland when I fell for an Irish girl in a night club in Melbourne. We've been together ever since.
What was the key to breaking into the UK and Irish comedy circuit?
Be really funny. I didn't see much of a difference 'cause we all have self deprecating humour. Although it was tougher if I ever died onstage, cause people would say, "Wow he sucked...and he traveled a long way to suck."
You consistently sell out at the Edinburgh Fringe and Glasgow Comedy Festival. What was it like the first time you sold out one of these shows and as a comedian, what is the environment like at these festivals?
The first time your name goes up on the sold out board it's a magical moment. It's even better when it's OVER sold and your audience pile in and sit in the aisles and on the floor around the stage. It feels like we're all witnessing something special – almost illegal. The vibe is best when it's a fire hazard.
Besides standup are there any projects that you are working on that you'd like to promote?
We filmed my Edinburgh Fringe show this year and I'm currently editing that, which will be available online early next year. This is the show that's similar to the famous 'Brother Orange' story in China. It's the true story of my phone being robbed in August 2014 and me receiving his photos (unbeknownst to him) in my iCloud, including his dick pics to girls he liked. After a 10 month search, I tracked him down. It's quite a ride!
Local comedy scenes are starting to develop across China. Any advice to people starting out with the form?
Do it naked apart from a banana skin covering your genitals. That's real comedy.
Has there been anything that's happened in 2015 that has really inspired some of your recent comedy?
That stranger's rock hard boner in my iCloud was my biggest inspiration *looking up to the sky, tears in my eyes*, as well as a few mental nights out and trying to cope with the regular world when hungover to bits.
Is there anything you would like to add?
If you'd like to read my comic book diaries about gigging and drinking they're both available now at
> Fri Nov 27, 8pm, RMB290. Zapata’s, tickets. See event listing.
> Sat Nov 28, 8pm, RMB290. Blossoms, 2/F, Kerry Hotel Pudong, tickets. See event listing.
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