No, Beijing Boss Didn't Force Employees to Kiss Him

By William Lee, October 14, 2016

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A story widely reported recently about a boss forcing his female employees to kiss him as part of a daily morning ritual has proven to be false. 

The story started with a short video being posted on Weibo along with the rather innocuous caption: “A company team-building scene: Female workers line up with the boss.” Within a few months this had snowballed into “female workers line up to kiss the boss every day.”

The story gained quite a bit of traction online as its emergence coincided with the release of a recording of US Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s lecherous comments towards women from 2005.

But according to the New York Times, employees of Jin Han Sen, the company where the incident supposedly occurred, were baffled by the affair as the office they work in looks nothing like the one in the video. Nor do the employees wear the black and white of the workers shown in the original video.

One employee told the NYTimes that it looks like an object is being passed from mouth to mouth as opposed to kissing, and that upon close inspection you can see it being dropped by the final woman in line. 

This is just another reminder that if a story sounds too crazy to be true— teenagers walking their pet cabbages to cope with depression, China banning interracial marriages, 'Harambe McHarambeface' winning a gorilla naming contest at a Zhejiang zoo, a Chinese man suing his wife for having ugly children — that's probably because it is.

[Images via Weibo]

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