Jun 27-Jul 1: Guest Bartender @ Atmosphere
Atmosphere is welcoming the ultra-talented bartender Marian Beke to Beijing for five nights of world-class cocktails. Beke is the manager of Nightjar in London, a legendary bar that’s been ranked as one of the world’s best. Expect classic drinks with new-world twists.
Tue Jun 27-Sat Jul 1; Atmosphere, China World Summit Wing.
Jun 28: Hutong School's Startup Talks & Networking
Curious about starting a business in China but dont know where to start? Then the Hutong School's Startup Talks & Networking Event is for you. During the event two entrepreneurs -- Nathan Siy from Evoke Motorcycles and Thomas Graziani from WalktheChat -- will discuss how they went about starting businesses in China. In addition to getting some sage advice, there will also be plenty of networking opportunities and Belgian beer.
Wed Jun 28, 7.30pm-late; RMB50 (including one drink), Free for Hutong School students. De Refter, see event listing.
Jun 30: Miss Lulu Galore
Shanghai favorite Miss Lulu Galore is heading back to Beijing for a quick trip. She'll be entertaining the crowd at Modernista on Friday with a caberet perormance. Expect retro singing, lots of dancing (even belly dancing) and good times.
Fri Jun 30, 6.30-9.30pm; RMB150 (door), RMB120 (advance), includes one cocktail. Modernista, see event listing.
Jun 30-Jul 1: L’Avare
One of famous French playwright Moliere’s most representative works, L’Avare (also known as The Miser) is a comedy-drama that portrays the meanness and absurdity of a loan shark who loves money. Through use of dramatic conflicts and characters, with dashes of humor and sarcasm, the play’s message (money is power – but an ugly one at that) is evident.
Fri Jun 30-Sat Jul 1, 7.30pm; RMB180-580; Tianqiao Performing Arts Theater, tickets via sales@theatrebeijing.com, see event listing.
July 2: Sip and Scribble
Since beginning last year, Pop-Up Beijing’s Sunday Sip and Scribble class has proved a massive hit. Lazy Sunday afternoons spent creating still-life artworks in warm and welcoming surrounds. Plus, wine. What’s not to love? For complete newbies here’s, how it goes down: Every Sunday afternoon, the boutique holds a casual drawing class for anyone, regardless of level. An instructor is on hand to guide participants and offer expert advice. Past teachers include Liuba, of the whimsical Liuba Draws, and Mr. Glenn (Schuitman, co-proprietor of Pop-Up) himself. The theme and drawing subject changes weekly, so expect to learn something new every class. You’ll become a drawing master in no time – and even if you’re not “into art,” we daresay the shop’s stellar wine selection is more than enough reason to pop in.
Sundays, 3-5pm; RMB95 (includes a drink and drawing materials); Pop-Up Beijing, see event listing.
Have an event to list? Head here to list your upcoming event. We’ll choose the best new additions to feature on next week’s edition of ‘What's On in Beijing.' Not sure where to start? Here's a full guide on how to list your upcoming events on our website.
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