Order Chinese Craft Gin and Help the Pangolins

By Cristina Ng, February 15, 2020

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How are you celebrating World Pangolin Day? If Crimson Pangolin craft gin has its way, it will be by helping them donate to pangolin conservation efforts. 

The charity that they have selected – Save Vietnam’s Wildlife (SVW) – rescued 349 animals from the illegal wildlife trade in 2018 and a total of 1,401 since SVW was founded in 2014.

Of the animals rescued by the charity, 95% are pangolins; 65% of the animals the organization has rehabilitated have been released back into the wild. The charity also supports conservation breeding to reverse population decline. 

Image courtesy of Save Vietnam's Wildlife

The endangered Chinese pangolin got some attention earlier this month after a study suggested the animal was the intermediate host – between bats and humans – of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Crimson Pangolin’s Helena Kidacka expressed concern that this tenuous link would case backlash against the species, saying “we need to make it known that pangolins belong in the rainforest – not on dinner plates or in medicine.” 

Flyer courtesy of Crimson Pangolin

To that end, Crimson Pangolin has teamed up with Shanghai9 to fundraise. Every bottle sold until the end of February 2020 will result in an RMB10 donation to Save Vietnam’s Wildlife. Shanghai9 delivers all over the Chinese mainland. 

[Cover image courtesy of Save Vietnam’s Wildlife]

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