Leaving Beijing for CNY? Here are the Latest Travel Rules

By Alistair Baker-Brian, February 3, 2021

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On January 27, the Beijing Information Office announced new rules for leaving and re-entering Beijing over the Spring Festival period. The rules will be in effect from January 28 until March 15. 

Official advice is to avoid all but essential travel to help prevent the spread of China’s latest COVID-19 wave. For those who do choose to leave Beijing, here are some key rules you need to be aware of. 

Travel to and from low-risk areas

Travelers must show a negative nucleic acid test result from within seven days of departure from Beijing (requirements may be different depending on your destination). 

Upon returning to Beijing, travelers must show another negative nucleic acid test result from within seven days.

Arrivals in Beijing must undergo 14 days of ‘health monitoring.’ Two nucleic acid tests will be conducted after seven and 14 days respectively. During this time, returnees can leave home for work and other daily activities, but should avoid large gatherings. 

Travel to and from mid- and high-risk areas

Those in mid- and high-risk areas may not be allowed to travel depending on lockdown measures implemented in those particular areas. 

If leaving or returning to Beijing from a mid- or high-risk area is necessary, travelers must show a negative nucleic acid test result from within 72 hours of departure from or arrival in Beijing. All arrivals to Beijing must undergo 14 days of ‘health monitoring’ as defined above. Two nucleic acid tests will be conducted after seven and 14 days respectively.  

In addition, those returning to Beijing from Hebei province must also inform their residential community prior to their arrival. 

The message for Spring Festival remains clear – if you don’t need to travel, don’t travel. However, if you do leave Beijing, make a note of the rules above and keep an eye out for any changes.

[Cover image via Xinhua]

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