Bang for Your Buck: 5 Cheap Date Ideas

By Sky Gidge, February 14, 2019

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Today is Valentine’s Day! Date with fiscal responsibility by using this tongue-in-cheek guide to the cheapest ways to get your tongue in cheek.

1. Furniture shopping

Image via Wikimedia

The fastest way to get your date into bed? IKEA. After dining on some authentic *ahem* Swedish cuisine, there is plenty of space to lounge around. Just go during a weekday, or you might have the bedside company of other faux shoppers. Unless you’re into that. 

Cost: about RMB50

2. Urban Exploring

Image via @by.harper/Instagram

Take your date out of their comfort zone by taking them out of the safety of the city center. ‘Filthy alley walking’ may be a better title for this activity. Stop off at a high-end booze shop and grab some deer penis wine before hitting the allies. Who knows what will happen when you throw that philter into the mix?

Cost: RMB79 for alcohol

3. Billiards

Image via Pixabay

Is that an awkward silence? No, it’s the clack of billiard balls. Street-side billiard places can be as cheap as RMB8 per hour. If you’re a pro at pool, it's a great chance to show off by pocketing some shots. If you’re just a beginner, perhaps your date can help with your stroke. 

Cost: as low as RMB8 per hour

4. Walk in the park

Image via Pixabay

Okay, a bit cliche. But a walk in the park can teach you a lot about someone. For instance, how far they can walk. Be sure to scout your route ahead of time and note a landmark – say, an artificial pond. Memorize a poem about water, recite it beside the pond and you’ll sound about 3-meters deep.

Cost: your dignity

5. Browsing pre-wedding photo books

Image via @mybookua/Instagram

Find a gaudy tent in a commercial square, inside you’ll find people selling pre-wedding photo packages through books filled with example images. A bride on a beach! A groom holding a fake guitar! If bringing up marriage on the first date doesn’t go down well, you should consider whether you want your date in the picture.

Cost: free, hope of a future relationship

This article was originally published online in August of 2016. It has been updated and republished on February 14, 2019.

[Cover image via Pixabay]

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