Check out these insane pictures WeChat account Shenzhen Dajian Shi posted on Sunday.
Take a gander below at Shenzhen's Window of the World, a notoriously crowded tourist trap even outside the holidays. By 4pm on the second day of the National Week Holiday a reported 30,000 people had entered the park.
I guess you could say they are Brave-ing the crowds.
In Paris, the glass triangle marks the main entrance to the Louvre museum, in Shenzhen, it marks the entrance to a subway system packed sardine-full with tourists.
On October 2, the official Shenzhen Public Security account released a series of images showing Dameisha beach being hit with crowds similar to those that left hundreds of tons of garbage during holidays in previous years.
Why bring an umbrella when you'll probaly be in the shade of someone elses?
What will Dameisha look like after the holiday is over? Well, if the 2014 Dragon Boat Festival aftermath is any guide... not pretty.
The above image from 2014's Dragon Boat Festival shows the aftermath of littering beachgoers.
Other tourist sites in Shenzhen have also reportedly been hit hard, including Wutong Mountain.
READ MORE: October Holiday Crowds Swarm Tourist Sites
[Images via Shenzhen Dajian Shi, Shenzhen Public Security's Weibo and]
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