Shenzhen Hotel Denies Charging US Guests Extra 25% Amid Trade War

By Jessica Ho, July 16, 2018

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According to Global Times, on July 6 the Modern Classic Hotel in Shenzhen posted a notice about a plan to charge US guests an extra 25 percent amid the escalating trade war between Beijing and Washington.

A spokesperson for the hotel explained that the extra charge was to show support for their country against newly imposed US tariffs that many perceive to be unfair.

According to the spokesperson, American guests weren’t particularly fazed by having to pay extra: “They just paid the 25 percent higher room charge without asking anything.”

Yet when That’s magazine contacted the hotel, a staff member at the front desk denied any extra charges for Americans, stating he had “never received a notice about the extra charge.” He also said he was “not sure” what may have started rumors of a surcharge.

Reuters, however, has reported that a hotel staff member – who declined to be identified – indeed saw such notices about Americans being charged extra: “There were ads up… We took photos.” 

The hotel would not be the first Chinese business to express its discontent with Trump’s punitive tariffs on China.

In April, images began to circulate on Chinese social media showing a Hunan restaurant sign that read: 

“From this day on, all American tourists must add 25% tariff when eating, please now! If you have any inconvenience, please contact the US embassy.”

The sign was eventually removed.

American-customer-tariff.jpgImage via Weibo

In its report on the alleged hotel surcharge, Global Times quoted Wang Jun – a deputy director at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges – as warning that although anger is understandable, hostile extra charges aimed at US customers should be avoided.

Additional research by Bailey Hu.

[Cover image via

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