A company called GAC Motor, hailing from Guangzhou, is making the rounds at the Detroit Auto Shot with their new autonomous, driverless vehicle. As if that weren't cool enough, they've also given it a fish tank for no reason whatsoever.
Futuristic looks? Check. Computerized driving system? Check. Hybrid engine? Check. Cheap-ass plastic box full of water, sand and some fake looking fish? Why the hell not.
The vehicle, inexplicably dubbed the "WitStar," is completely bonkers. It has huge, top-hinged doors. It has a drivers' seat that can rotate 360 degrees. It has radar, sonar and a massive array of exterior cameras. And it has fish.
The Wall Street Journal caught up with the creator of this masterpiece, Zhang Fan. Zhang told the WSJ that adding a fish tank was an attempt to make riding in the vehicle feel more like sitting in a living room. That raises two questions: Firstly - what, no TV? And secondly, we're just glad he didn't add a fireplace.
"It doesn't mean that all GAC Motor's cars will have a fish tank," Zhang assured onlookers. "It's more symbolic."
We're not exactly sure what it's symbolic of, but we're willing to take him at his word here. We eagerly await the next GAC Motor creation. Maybe Homer can help?
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