Hideaway,[’haɪdəweɪ],n. a hiding place, somewhere one can go to get away from other people. Hideaway Temple is a craft beer experience hidden in downtown Dongshankou. The name suits the venue, both are hidden. It is located on the second floor of Dongshan, one the side of Miaoqian West Street.
Hideaway Temple’s mission is to satisfy their own preferences and sell the craft beer they like. Budweiser, Pearl River, Harbin... forget it. Hideaway Temple sells craft beer that is rarely seen on the market in Guangzhou, paired with authentic Italian pizza.
Hideaway,[’haɪdəweɪ],n. 潜伏处;隐匿处;退隐处。Hideaway Temple,意为隐于东山口闹市的精酿生啤体验馆。其选址也十分贴合这名字,相当隐蔽,坐落在庙前西街一方东山二楼。
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