Sumerian Café Closed Due to Crumbling Building Facade

By Betty Richardson, September 16, 2016

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Hideous news, fellow caffeine reliants: Sumerian Café in Jing'an is to temporarily close. The reason? Bricks from the building's exterior have been falling to the sidewalk, making it unsafe to be in, stand outside, or even walk past the beloved coffee shop. 

Sumerian Cafe Shanghai

In a letter emailed to That's, owner Dave Seminsky tells us they've been unable to fix the hazardous problem due to lack of "actionable response" from the building's management. "On Tuesday morning, a large section of the brick wall fell to the ground," Seminsky writes. "Although nobody was injured, we would be liable if they were, so we've decided to close Sumerian until we receive a legal audit of the building ensuring it is safe."

Sumerian Cafe Shanghai

Netting has been afixed to the building's exterior to guard against falling bricks. 

In other words, they ain't going to open until the landlord coughs up for the repairs, which by the sound of things, might take a little while. Here's hoping they get sorted out stat. 

On the bright side, Dogtown next door remains unscathed, meaning that Peaky Blinders-themed party we wrote about earlier this week is still good to go on Saturday. 

More news on Sumerian as we get it. 

See a listing for Sumerian and Dogtown

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