Doug Stanhope: 'I'm Happy Trump Won to Watch the Pant-Shitting'

By Ned Kelly, February 27, 2018

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"A visionary douchebag," "the most fearless man in comedy," and "an acidic blend of prickly hostility, elaborately articulated self-loathing and righteous anger." Just some of the ways Doug Stanhope has been described. The 'comedian's comedian' is on his way to Shanghai – we reached out for a quick chat...

You freaked your teachers out growing up, and you have a framed letter, written by your school psychiatrist, saying you needed professional help. But did your schoolmates get your humor?
Some of the cruel ones probably guffawed at the reactions that I got, but most likely had no idea what made any given gag funny on its own. I'm sure it's still the case where there's an audience element that is just laughing at the swear words. So long as they're happy.

You have said that attending AA meetings with your mother as a kid was a source of rich comedic content for you...
Yes. But telling you about that would be breaking Bill Daly's anonymity. And knowing he was a ninja, a bodyguard and a CIA operative, you don't wanna fuck with Bill Daly.

So when did you first realize you wanted to be a comedian?
I didn't have any strange epiphany, like the ghost of Bob Hope didn't visit my bedside. I was always funny or making the attempt, so one open mic night led to more and more, and now I'm old and I forget what all transpired.

Pre-elections, you said you preferred Trump over Clinton just for the reason of pure entertainment – still feel that way?
Absolutely. Nothing makes sense anymore and it's beautiful to watch the pant-shitting. I'm less invested in this world than most folks and don't pay all that much attention to the details. But I know most everybody else does and it's hilarious. It's like a team winning the Super Bowl on a bad call over a year ago and it's still the first topic of conversation. Next election, everybody is gonna be running for president.

What happened to you becoming president? 2020?
See how I segued you into that? Short story is... I thought it could be funny and it wasn't, so I killed the bit and moved on. 2020? Hopefully by then you'll realize that you don't really need a leader. That's the best you can hope for as a learning lesson from this current debacle.


How did your friendship with Johnny Depp come about?
He called me and told me I had to be friends with him. What are you gonna say... no?

After writing an article accusing Amber Heard of blackmailing Depp, she threatened to sue you "to make me shut the f*** up," as you put it. Did she make you shut the f*** up?
I was sued... or at least served papers, but she dropped it. But, to answer your question, no she did not. I am completely free to talk about it. There was never a time when I wasn't allowed to talk about it, but as you know, lawyers will strongly advise against it if the case in progress. Fortunately, it isn't anymore, so I'm free to spill all the details with no fear of it hamstringing me. Thank christ because it's a great story that needs to be told. Finally.

What is your take on the fallout from Louis CK and Wankgate?
When I last left the road in mid November all this shit was just cranking up, finally giving legs to a piece I'd been trying to get right for over a year. And then I took three months off the road watching so much of it get eaten raw and without garnish. We'll see what's left when I start this tour and go from there. But it will be discussed, no doubt.

Your standup goes pretty dark, anything you do draw the line at?
I get this question a lot. So much so that I just started to write a smart-f***y answer this time. And then it occurred to me that my answer was bit worthy and I had to walk to the main house to get my notebook. The premise is 'Hypothetical Places I Would Draw the Line,' and perhaps by the time I get to Shangri-La it will be a chunk of the act.

Speaking of which, there is already a big buzz about you coming to 'Shangri-La' – were you surprised to hear you had so many fans in China?
You are the first to tell me and to be honest, I don't really believe you. But that's okay. I agreed to come assuming very few people would be there so I can't really be disappointed.

Touring the world, do jokes ever get lost in cultural translation?
I play to myself and still I get lost. Fuck us all. Wait for the next one.

Gonna tame anything down for China?
Not unless they tell me I could go to jail over it. And anything that fits into that category is shit that I don't know about anyway.

Favorite comedian of all time?
I'm too old to have favorites but if I did, it would be Dave Attell. He can put as many punchlines, twists and redirects – all peppered with obscure references and nods to the latest news – in one bit as other comics can put into an entire Best-Of-Career highlight film.

But Attell isn't coming there. I am. Learn to settle.

Thu March 15, 8pm, RMB250-600, Cages Bar and Sports, see event listing.

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