Your Guide to ShanghaiPRIDE

By Erica Martin, May 31, 2018

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ShanghaiPRIDE is by now an institution, a 10-day celebration of the diversity and vibrancy of the city’s LGBTQ+ community every June. But it didn’t just spring up from nowhere.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the summer that a group of activists launched a much more modest version of city-wide celebration we see today, overcoming new obstacles with each passing year.

Held from June 8-18 under the theme of  “Our Community | Our Identity | Our Pride,” the 2018 festival highlights ShanghaiPRIDE’s decade of accomplishments, especially their expansion of the city’s queer scene and their fostering of diversity and mutual understanding. Here’s our rundown of events for Pride10.

The Parties


Bling Official Opening Party


Held in the spacious venue of The Pearl, which has a large stage ideal for live drag performances, Pride10’s official opening party has a ‘bling’ theme, so expect a bonanza of glitter, bubbles, and laughter. Don your sparkliest attire and dive in.
Jun 9, 9pm, RMB100 including a drink. The Pearl, see event listing.

Ladies Party


ShanghaiPRIDE’s annual party devoted to queer women will be held this year at Celia. Expect a jubilant dance party, raunchy prizes and live performances. The party is open to women-identified people only, though men in drag are also welcome.
Jun 14, 9pm. Celia, see event listing

Red Dragon Official Closing Party


The closing party falls on the same weekend as Dragon Boat Festival this year, so organizers gave it a triumphant red dragon theme. Newly opened roller skating bar RIINK will be themed around a celebration of traditional Chinese elements, including red lanterns, lion dances, performances in qipaos and more.  
Jun 16, 9pm, RMB100. RIINK, see event listing

The Film Festival


Growing in scope and diversity with each passing year, ShanghaiPRIDE Film Festival returns with a new slate of films tackling an array of LGBTQ+ topics. More than 50 films from 22 countries and regions will be screened throughout the 8-day event, with a mix of emerging Chinese filmmakers and cutting-edge international queer cinema.
Jun 10-17, no cover with RSVP. A variety of times and locations, see event listing, sign up for a screening.

ShPFF Opening Ceremony

201805/ALifu.jpgFor the ShPFF's opening screening, organizers have selected Alifu, the Prince/ss. A drama by Wang Yu-lin that premiered at the Tokyo Film Festival, Alifu tells three interlocking stories involving the title character, a hair stylist and only child of an aboriginal tribal chief in Taiwan who is coming to terms with being trans.
June 10, 12pm, no cover with RSVP. Goethe Institute, see event listing, sign up.

The Art Show


The Pride art exhibition is always a highlight of the festival, and for Pride10 the organizers are looking back at the decade past to showcase changes in social opinions, LGBTQ+ culture and self-identity in our home city. The photo series will highlight Shanghai’s past and present queer hangout spots, LGBTQ+ youth culture and grassroots community growth throughout the Chinese mainland.  
Opening Night: Jun 8, 7pm, free entry. Polar Bear Gallery at M50 Creative Park, see event listing.
Exhibit runs through Jul 1.

The Theater Festival


The Absence of Reason: Extracts From The Heart


This pop-up theater show explores love in all its dizzying irrationality, depicting a kaleidoscope of casual flings, lifelong commitment and broken hearts.
Jun 7-10, 8pm, RMB180 presale, RMB200 door. Invite only, see for more details.

I Am Nezha Script Reading


I Am Nezha is an original show that explores individual experience as an entry point into queer narratives from the Chinese world. Eight queer-identified people tell their own stories in monologue form about coming of age in the 1970s, 80s, 90s and 2000s.
Jun 16, 2pm, no cover. Happiness42, see event listing.

Improv Shows


Local troupes like Zmack, Zhimakong, Flyimprov and the Improvisors will show off their talents in off-the-cuff comedy with Pride-themed performances in both Chinese and English.
Chinese Improv: Jun 15, 8pm, free entry. Tiger Café, see event listing.
English Improv: Jun 16, 8pm, free entry. Tiger Café, see event listing.

The First National LGBT Choir Concert


For this unique event, queer-identifying men and women and their allies from seven cities throughout China will convene in Shanghai for a moving vocal performance.
Jun 9, 7.30pm, RMB80-380. He Lvting Concert Hall at Shanghai Conservatory of Music, see event listing, get tickets.

The Community-Building 




Held the weekend before ShanghaiPRIDE’s official launch, TransPride is a full day of workshops, films and performances aimed at educating and offering resources for Shanghai’s trans community and allies.
Jun 2, 12pm, no cover with RSVP. 8Art Hotel, see event listing, sign up

Rainbow Family Forum


A forum acknowledging the importance of family in Chinese culture and discussing the concept of a 'Rainbow Family,' including same-sex parents raising children.
Jun 9, 10am, no cover with RSVP. Andaz Xintiandi, Shanghai, see event listing, sign up.

PFLAG Conference


For this all-day community event celebrating its 10th year, 10 activists will share their personal stories about creating lasting change, while industry leaders will discuss future progress.
Jun 9, 10am, no cover with RSVP. Andaz Xintiandi, Shanghai, see event listing, sign up.

Women Up! – Anti-Sexual Harassment Panel


The third annual Women Up! panel tackles the very timely issue of sexual harassment. Hear stories of support from leaders and activists.
Jun 9, 1pm, no cover with RSVP. Andaz Xintiandi, Shanghai, see event listing, sign up.

Queer Talks – Queer & Disabilities


A talk that explores the dire need for intersectionality in the queer community, with a specific focus on LGBTQ+ individuals who are living with disabilities.
Jun 10, 4pm, no cover with RSVP. Happiness42, see event listing, sign up.

Trivia Night


For this quirky night of community building, grab a team of friends and test your knowledge of queer pop culture and general trivia. Drink and food deals are on offer all night.
Jun 13, 8pm, no cover. Lucca Café & Lounge, see event listing.

Out & Equal Roundtable


This new edition to ShanghaiPRIDE tackles LGBTQ+ equality in the workplace, with discussions between Chinese and multinational business leaders and a simultaneous translation between Chinese and English.
Jun 14, 10am, invite only. GE China at Technology Park, see event listing, request invitation.

Pride Talk


Pride Talk is a vital and illuminating discussion of queer issues, and the community chose their own topics this year via a WeChat poll. Ideas that piqued their interest include LGBTQ+, diversity, the lesbian and bisexual community, discrimination in queer communities, transgender issues and identifying at LGBTQ+ in second- and third-tier cities.
Jun 16, 2pm, no cover with RSVP. M Glam, see event listing, sign up.

Well-Being Panel


Expect a discussion of the issues that impact the physical and mental health of the LGBTQ community, from restrictions on gender norms to homophobic speech to a fear of disease.
Jun 17, 11am, no cover with RSVP. Cotton's Xinhua Lu Branch, see event listing, sign up.

The Outdoor Hang-Outs


Pride Run


One of ShanghaiPRIDE’s longest running and most beloved traditions, the Pride Run goes down annually on the festival’s opening weekend. All participants receive a medal, a Pride10 T-shirt, and a goodie bag, while proceeds will support Team China attending this year’s Gay Games in Paris.
Jun 9, 9am at various locations, see event listing. Event is sold out -- donate here

Andaz Pink Brunch


Held on the cozy terrace of longtime Pride venue ally Andaz Xintiandi, Shanghai, the Pink Brunch is another Pride tradition that immediately follows the Pride Run every year. Have your fill of BBQ goodies at a buffet brunch while enjoying live performances in the summer air.
Jun 9, 11am, RMB250-500. Andaz Xintiandi, Shanghai, see event listing.

Rainbow BBQ


Pride10 comes to a close by returning to Cotton’s, a Shanghai restaurant institution that hosted the first ShanghaiPRIDE 10 years ago. Head there for a BBQ set meal and relive memories and stories of the decade past.
Jun 17, 1pm, set meal prices vary. Cotton’s Xinhua Lu Branch, see event listing, get tickets.

Visit or follow ShanghaiPRIDE on WeChat (上海骄傲节) for more info.

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