6 Shanghai Art Exhibitions to Check Out This Weekend

By Sarah Forman, August 24, 2018

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That's Shanghai takes a look at the best art exhibitions of the week:

The Rise of Modernity

Image courtesy of Power Station of Art.

Powerstation of Art has partnered with the University of Pennsylvania and three other academic institutions to further develop and elucidate the influence of urbanization and industrialization on the buildings that line Shanghai's city streets. The museum will be running a number of site-specific programs conducted throughout the city, so watch this space or check in with the museum to be a part of the conversation.

Until Oct 14, Powerstation of Art.

Soft Power: Lin Yan & Ingrid Ledent

ingrid-ledent-mindscapes-4.jpgImage courtesy of Leo Gallery.

You've got one more week to catch Lin Yan's solo exhibition - the sixth of the gallery's Soft Power series. Both artists explore and visalize their relationship to, and understanding of, different values and conceptions of self-identity through the prints and installations that fill the gallery space.

Until Sep 1, Leo Gallery

Turning Point - 40 Years of Chinese Contemporary Art

long-museum.jpgImage courtesy of Long Museum West Bund.

Showcasing some of the best post-reform works from artists like Li Wei, Yue Minjun, Zhang Xiaogang and Cao Fei, this exhibit catalogues pieces from around 100 different artists. From sculptures and videos to paintings and installations, there's a lot to explore with this diverse range of contemporary art from the last 40 years.

Until Oct 7, Long Museum West Bund

Carte Blanche - Continuous Terminus

Image courtesy of the gallery.

Newly opened Continuous Terminus is a group show featuring a lot of stuff made on computers. These futuresque digital works by Hsiung Cheng Kai and Mao Haonan are a combination of dark and optimistic, programmatic feats, a captivating addition to M50.

Until Oct 7, ShangART.

Lin Tianmiao: Systems

lin-tianmiao.jpgImage courtesy of the gallery.

Sunday is the last day you can catch Lin Tianmiao's solo show. One of the first female Chinese video and installation artists, the exhibition includes a wide range of work, incorporating everything from fluids to silk and needles.

Until Aug 26, Rockbund Art Museum

Capricious Structures

Image courtesy of the promoter.

This multimedia exhibiton in Xintiandi showcases a number of independent projects from young artists living in Hangzhou, Los Angeles, Hong Kong and London/Amsterdam. Through visuals, they've set out to restructure narratives around concepts like urban conditions, industrialization, technology, economy and race, in a multidimensional exploration of identity and existence. And they have lazers. A lot of them.

Until Sep 14, chi K11 art museumBuy tickets here.

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