You Might Soon Need to Scan Your Face to Enter Your Apartment in Shanghai

By Justine Lopez, October 21, 2019

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Facial recognition is all the rage in China right now. It's used to bust jaywalkers in Shanghai, use the metro in Guangzhou and thwart toilet paper thieves in public bathrooms in Beijing. While the technology might sound kinda cool, it's becoming a cause for concern among some Shanghai residents. 

READ MORE: Beijing Restrooms Get Facial Recognition to Thwart Toilet Paper Bandits

It appears that apartment complexes around Shanghai have been clandestinely installing facial recognition systems over the past year. Those living in Luoma Garden apartment complex in Shanghai started to grow concerned when they noticed equipment being installed in elevators without receiving any notice or explanation. When they complained, residents were told that building management was working together with local police to install cameras with facial-recognition capabilities to help ensure the safety of residents, Quartz reports.

READ MORE: Police Using Facial Recognition to Bust Jaywalkers in Shanghai

This appears to be a growing trend in Shanghai. Just last year, one local resident realized that they could suddenly no longer access their apartment using a key card. Instead, they were only able to get in by getting their face scanned. This resident was given no prior notice of the new system. 

It is believed that the city is hoping to expand these facial recognition systems as part of its ambitious public security plan. 

As of May, 10,000 apartment complexes had already been outfitted with facial recognition technology. Stay tuned, because this might actually become the new norm in Shanghai.

[Cover image via]

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