Home Exchange Holiday: New Travel Trend Taking Off in China

By Billy Jiang, May 6, 2023

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This past May Holiday, a new travel trend has emerged on social media called "home exchange holiday." This unique type of break involves two strangers traveling to each other's cities and staying in each other's homes for free.

The home exchange travel trend is gaining popularity among young people, who are attracted to the idea of having unique travel experiences while saving money, and has been rapidly gaining traction on social media platforms such as Little Red Book.

Currently, there are two main methods of home exchange travel: simultaneous exchange and staggered exchange.


Many users on Little Red Book have posted specific exchange travel requests. Image by That's GBA

However, due to various conditions, home exchange holiday in China is still in the exploratory phase.

According to Li Long, the deputy director of the China Tourism Academy, home exchange holiday can save travel expenses and provide unique experiences, which are popular among young people seeking personalized experiences.

That said, there are objective risks involved, particularly with accommodation, including property security and personal privacy concerns.

Li also pointed out that mutual trust between exchange partners is crucial, and attention should be paid to whether both parties will keep their promises to protect each other's property, including trust in information and confidentiality.

It is worth noting that exchange travel may also face legal risks when exchanging accommodations. Li suggested that as legal regulations are improved, third-party regulations should be added to better protect the rights and interests of both exchange partners.

As this trend continues to grow, it will be important for travelers to carefully consider the potential risks and take appropriate precautions to ensure their safety and protect their property.

Have you had any experience in home exchange holiday in the past? Do you welcome this new trend? Please let us know in the comments and follow us on WeChat Official Account, ThatsGBA.

[Cover image via That's GBA]

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