BREATHWORK for Health and Wellness

Last Updated: 29/06/2024 | Posted by: thatsmarketing
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June 29 - 30, 2024
Venue Name
The Yoga Garden
Haiwan Huayuan, Haichang Street, Building 6, 6Floor B, Shekou, Nanshan District

In this 2-hour class, we aim to finish the month of June and welcome the second half of the year with a transformative breathwork session. You will learn scientifically backed breathing techniques that offer real benefits, such as reducing stress, enhancing lung function, increasing energy levels, improving mental clarity, and boosting overall health.


Travis Steffens (@travis.steffens), founder of The Breath Source (@thesourceapp_), has extensively studied various breathwork methods. His teachings focus on how proper breathing can help you relax, increase your focus, and enhance your overall well-being.


Join us to experience the incredible benefits of effective breathing.


Prepare to journey IN and OUT


Saturday, June 29

Sunday, June 30

Each session is RMB200


6-8 PM (sunset hour)

The Yoga Garden | Shuiwan, Shenzhen


Eco-rubber mats by @shapesss__


Wechat: RaissaMendes00


Whether you’re new to breathwork or looking to deepen your practice, this session is perfect for you. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to rejuvenate your mind and body!

Map of The Yoga Garden

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